This was just another day in my life when I was looking to cook/bake/make something out of nothing. This is where a 3 ingredients recipe comes in - a perfect timing and almost a perfect outcome.
Actually I was looking to make something, because I wasn't in a baking mood, I think that's a one more reason why I love no bake and freezer involved recipes. Also that gives you a extra time to cook something else.
If you're looking for something very sweet then these cups are perfect. However, I would suggest to choose fresh raspberries instead of a raspberry jam unless you eat sugar with spoons. So far on a sweetness scale I would give this recipe a 10/10.
One more suggestion (I think every time there is at least one) - pick a good peanut butter.
I will say it again - they are so easy to make, literally it's all about melting a chocolate and preparing the paper liners.
From one chocolate bar (200 grams) you can make approx. 6-8 cups and believe me it's enough. I went for a dark chocolate, but I think it's worth to give a try a milk one, or use the milk chocolate for a base and the dark one for the top, etc.
For 6-8 cups you will need:
200 grams dark chocolate
Peanut butter (I used WholeEats)
1/2 cup raspberries or unsweetened raspberry jam.
Melt the chocolate and prepare your liners. What you need to do is add 1/2 tsp of chocolate or a little bit more if needed (that depends on a chocolate) to the each liner and move them around to cover entire base with chocolate.
Put them in a freezer for 5-7 min (or a bit more depending on a freezer).
Add 1 tsp peanut butter and 1/2 raspberries (if you used fresh ones, then just mash them before). However, you have to decide what outcome you're going for. If you want your cups to be like the ones you see in the pictures (you can see jam and butter drizzling out) then spread both ingredients in the same way as chocolate. If not, then try to put them in the centre of chocolate base. Cover with the rest of chocolate and place them in a freezer for 10-15 minutes and they are ready to be served.
Here I have to say again, for a filling you can choose whatever you want to. I used what I had in my kitchen.
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